

To offer a fresh and new way of living the Christian faith from full communion with the Church, and obedience to our bishops. We want to live a fresh version of Christianity, and be as focused on the essential as possible. This model is based on 4 pillars: the experience of conversion, personal growth, life in community with others, and constant dialogue with the society around us.



To help develop mature Christians with an authentic experience of faith and who are at the same time free, full, and as happy as they can be. “Living from the truth” is our foundation, and we invest a lot of time and resources in people. We want to bring the Good News of Jesus to the whole world and we also try to help those who suffer and need it in any way possible and with all available means.

Our Values

Good News

Christianity must be Good News, not bad news. In other words, it must help people to achieve the best version of themselves.

The person

The individual, the human person, is the most important thing. No project, no matter how holy, is above the men and women who form it.

Living in truth

It is essential to live from the truth. Whether your reality is big or small, good or bad, truth is the beginning of holiness and growth.


Concrete communities are essential, but they are nothing without the Church. This is always the ultimate reference of identity.

Good News

Christianity must be Good News, not bad news. In other words, it must help people to achieve the best version of themselves.

The person

The individual, the human person, is the most important thing. No project, no matter how holy, is above the men and women who form it.

Living in truth

It is essential to live from the truth. Whether your reality is big or small, good or bad, truth is the beginning of holiness and growth.


Concrete communities are essential, but they are nothing without the Church. This is always the ultimate reference of identity.

Fundador Josué



Josué Fonseca is the founder of Fe y Vida. He has a doctorate in History and has been teaching for many years in Secondary and Higher Education. He is married to Anabel Quintanal and has four children.

He converted at the age of 16 and has since remained faithful to the Lord’s calling, always connected with the community movement. He has a passion for evangelization and the holistic development of the individual. He is in constant pursuit of new ways of integrating faith with contemporary culture.


Fundador Josué

Josué Fonseca is the founder of Fe y Vida. He has a doctorate in History and has been teaching for many years in Secondary and Higher Education. He is married to Anabel Quintanal and has four children.

He converted at the age of 16 and has since remained faithful to the Lord’s calling, always connected with the community movement. He has a passion for evangelization and the holistic development of the individual. He is in constant pursuit of new ways of integrating faith with contemporary culture.

The Council

The Council is the body that advises the founder/general coordinator in decision-making. This year it consists of Adela Montes, Anabel Quintanal, Jairo Alonso and Sonia González.

Sonia González

Secretary of Fe y Vida.

Licensed in Religious Sciences and a High School teacher.

Jairo Alonso


Telecommunications Engineer. He works in the private sector.

Anabel Quintanal

Diploma in Social Work, a profession she has practiced for many years.

Adela Montes

Licensed in Philosophy. She is an events coordinator in the private sector.



Fe y Vida began as a result of the gathering that Josué held with high school students in the 90s. Josué’s faith experience was strongly influenced by the Jesus People movement in the United States, while also remaining faithful to Catholic doctrine. Throughout our history we have had a great number of relationships with Christians of very diverse orientations, which has given us a rich and open experience. Thus, elements such as a pioneering-spirit, ecumenical vocation (within and outside the Church) and a personalist approach have shaped our identity.

Currently Fe y Vida is a Public Association of the Faithful approved by the dioceses of Granada and Santander (Spain). It also belongs to the European Network of Communities.

Reunión jóvenes cristianosConcierto Cristiano IMPACTO



Fe y Vida began as a result of the gathering that Josué held with high school students in the 90s. Josué’s faith experience was strongly influenced by the Jesus People movement in the United States, while also remaining faithful to Catholic doctrine. Throughout our history we have had a great number of relationships with Christians of very diverse orientations, which has given us a rich and open experience. Thus, elements such as a pioneering-spirit, ecumenical vocation (within and outside the Church) and a personalist approach have shaped our identity.

Currently Fe y Vida is a Public Association of the Faithful approved by the dioceses of Granada and Santander (Spain). It also belongs to the European Network of Communities.

Reunión jóvenes cristianosConcierto Cristiano IMPACTO
Mapa sedes Fe y Vida

Where to find us

We are present in the dioceses of Santander, Granada, Valencia, Salamanca, Cádiz, Madrid, Alcalá, Zaragoza and Tarragona with groups ranging from a few dozen people in some places to members who remain steadfast in their faithfulness despite being alone in their city, and they are our great heroes.

Where to find us

Mapa sedes Fe y Vida

We are present in the dioceses of Santander, Granada, Valencia, Salamanca, Cádiz, Madrid, Alcalá, Zaragoza and Tarragona with groups ranging from a few dozen people in some places to members who remain steadfast in their faithfulness despite being alone in their city, and they are our great heroes.